Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Assessing The Occupational Competence in the Work Enviroment Essay

C. In carrying out assessment of occupational competence, I would ask myself: How effective was my assessment and feedback? Was there anything I didn’t anticipate? How did I deal with it? What went well? What could I improve? If I had to change anything what would I do differently? I would ask the learner what they intend to do and how they are going to achieve it, get them to tell me what tools they are going to use to get the desired look and why they will be using them, also what products are going to be used (if any). Once they have finished the assessment I will ask them how they think it went and then give them my feedback. My feedback will start with a positive e.g. well done for keeping within the time scale. And then tell them if the assessment was achieved or not and if not how they  could work towards achieving it. I will finish with another positive and setting a new target with a new date. By keeping a reflective journal on my experiences and thoughts it would help me with my future development and give me useful practice in self-evaluation. D. To maintain the currency of own expertise and competence relevant to own role in assessing occupational competence, I will need to keep my knowledge and skills up to date in order for me to be an effective and credible assessor. I will need to maintain continuing professional development and I will have to keep up to date with relevant government legislations, awarding organisation regulations, policies and organisation procedures related to assessment and quality assurance. I will also need to keep up to date with new developments in vocational training and teaching. I will attend further training courses to keep my cpd up to date and keep a log of it. I will attend standardisation meetings to show that I am keeping my assessors qualification up to standard required by the governing bodies. OUTCOME 4 Be able to plan the assessment of occupational competence. B. To plan assessment of occupational competence based on the following methods: Observation of performance in the work environment – I would observe the learner by their performance making sure the criteria is covered. This would be done through one to one with the learner. I would make sure start and finish times were set and make sure the service provided is going to meet the standards requirements. Any documentation would have to be filled in, signed and dated and new targets would be set. Examining products of work – I would check that the work of the learner has been carried out in the correct and professional way and the end result has the desired look and finish. Questioning the learner – I would initially ask the learner what their plan of action is and how they are going to achieve it, if more criteria needed to be met I would ask more questions to give them the opportunity to try and meet the level required. Discussing with the learner – I would make sure the discussions were relevant to the outcomes and assessment criteria, I would discuss the units that need to be covered and how we could use one visit to cover more than one unit (holistic approach). I would also discuss the amount of time needed for the process and dates and times of visits. I would make it clear to the learner what I would expect from them for a competent assessment. Use of others (witness testimony) – As an assessor you would need to be a professional in hairdressing with x number of year’s experience. You would need to be familiar with the national standards and carrying out observations, you would document all that has been observed but could not enter into the candidates log book. Looking at learner statements – The learner would have documented extra evidence. This would be a write up on underpinning questions when a range has not quite been met. This could also be a write up on a hair style that was achieved, explaining how they went about getting the achieved look. Insufficient evidence – If a learner hands back their assignment but has not met the criteria covered, they would be told there was insufficient evidence to complete the assignment. They would be asked to add the required evidence making the assignment achievable. Recognising prior learning – This would be when a learner has completed a unit in another qualification within the set time of the national standards. I would check their certification for proof of this and get the learner to take the test of under pinning knowledge so they would not have to do the same unit again. I would be able to document this in the learners log book with a RPL form, the form would need to be signed and dated from the achieved date on the certificate. C. To plan the assessment of occupational competence to address learner needs and current achievements. In my assessment plan I would identify any specific need that the learner may have e.g. Dyslexia (I would check with the relevant department within the training establishment to see what help could be offered to the learner i.e. extra time given for assignments and written tests). I would then agree the level and extent of their current knowledge and skills. D. In assessment planning meetings wherever possible I will always try to take a holistic approach. If one unit is being taken I would identify how many outcomes and criteria might be met, I would do this by using the assessment methods of: Observation, Examination of products of work and questioning. As an assessor, work to holistic assessment principles will maximise opportunity and save time and cost. If I have arranged to be observed assessing competence, examining products of work and questioning, I could discuss with my assessor whether I could be observed carrying out an assessment planning meeting during the same visit. This could be a follow on planning meeting with a learner who is ready to go on to the next stage of their assessment. Bilingualism Dealing with Bilingualism would first have been established at the initial assessment; the learner’s first language is not English so as an assessor I would have to find the best way of communication. This could be in using an translator (electronically or a dictionary) There would have to be a certain amount of English vocabulary on the learner’s behalf to have been able to pass the testing that is initially done before acceptance of the course. Skills testing A skill testing is a practical observation of a set skill task that has been set by the assessor. The assessor will tell the learner what is required and give the learner a set time to get the task achieved. This can be used to check the learner’s capabilities. MAINTAIN LEGAL AND GOOD PRACTICE REQUIREMENTS WHEN ASSESSING VOCATIONAL SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING UV30566 TRACEY HEARNE OUTCOME 4 To evaluate my own work in carrying out assessment of vocational skills, knowledge and understanding I would ask myself: Did the learner understand what needed to be done to meet the criteria? Was the feedback clear enough for the learner to understand? Were assessments marked and returned within the timescale? By asking myself these questions I can evaluate my own work with the evidence that I have recorded. D. Take part in continuing professional development to ensure current expertise and competence in assessing vocational skill, knowledge and understanding. In taking part of ‘cpd’ this is to keep my knowledge up to date, and to maintain new skills whilst assessing. I need to be able to prove how I have been doing this. I need to show certificates I have gained in courses I have attended. Keep a record of hours worked/shadowed. Made regular visits to relevant websites. ( Reading relevant publications (Hairdressers Journal (HJi). Keeping a log of all my attendance and participation in events and activities will be my record of ‘cpd’.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Divorce (effects of divorce) Essay

Is marriage no more than the result of voluntary agreements between two private individuals? Is the lack of detail concerning marriage arrangements causing all the divorce debates? Does divorce cause problems or solve them? Why is marriage such a religious experience and divorce such a legal experience? Why do marriages take place under the eyes of God while divorces take place under the eyes of the law? I believe that it was because of my parents’ divorce that I have chosen to tackle such a controversial topic. In many ways, I am in search of my own opinion. My parents divorced through the no-fault system. My dad decided it was time to move on to another life I guess. The no-fault divorce is a form of divorce granted without blame being sought or established. Sometimes, I try to think of how my life would have turned out if they were still together. I wonder if life would be any better. However, there are other days when I thank God for putting me through such troubling times; without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. What troubles me with marriage/divorce issues is that one is dealt with while the other lies on the floor. Today, we discuss marriage, and we discuss divorce, but never both at the same time. Should we push premarital counseling, or should we make divorce harder? Why must we discuss one or the other and not both? There are so many questions concerning marriage and divorce, and that is why I’m writing to you. I hope to answer some questions you may have. Though you may not form an opinion about no-fault divorce, you should finish this article with a little satisfaction, knowing that you’ve seen both sides of the issue. There are many people who have spoken out about no-fault divorce and family relationships, but I will focus on two. In â€Å"The Divorce Debate,† Maggie Gallagher, a scholar at the Institute for American Values, tries to answer the question: â€Å"What, if anything, can we do about the fact that at least half of our marriages fail?† In another article, â€Å"The Making of a Divorce Culture,† Barbara Dafoe Whitehead discusses the idea that, â€Å"Divorce has  become an American way of life only as a result of recent and revolutionary change.† I was very turned-off by Gallagher’s article. First, it starts off with what the author thinks should be a shared assumption; the assumption stated that divorce is harmful for children. Not everyone believes that. She goes on by asking, â€Å"What†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦can we do?† Gallagher continues with her article by putting down other states because of their divorce stipulations. She says that they are not working. Yes, she did back that statement up with information from Judith Wallerstein’s book, Second Chance, and statistics from the Journal of Marriage and Family, but they were buried  between the many instances in which she shared the views of her opposition. The way she recognized the reasoning behind the â€Å"speedy spouse disposal† or â€Å"delayed backlash† was a nice touch. Unfortunately, Gallagher was so involved with trying to show the other side of things, she forgot to give the reasoning behind her own ideas. Through the entire article, she used negative words or phrases to express her feelings on divorce; they include: harmful, delayed backlash, speedy spouse removal, eliminating, marital wrongdoing, dissolve a marriage, bitter conflict, unhappy marriages, bleak times, punishments, messy and irrelevant, and torment. However, she never once suggested a solution for the problem of divorce. How can one argue with the ideas of others, if that person has no argument of their own? After reading the article, I was pretty confident that the author had not personally been through a divorce of her own. This alone, caused me to question her. I felt that a more personal article involving some of her own experiences would have been more convincing. I realized that she was writing with a logical approach, but I believe an emotional one would have been better. Divorce is a topic that touches every person in so many different ways. If the article would have reached to the heart, it would have been more persuasive. Though I am unhappy with the way the topic was approached, I am sure that the  essay was not quickly written. Their was a lot of research involved in this article. Gallagher explained how different states came up with different solutions for divorce. She discussed the no-fault divorce and the waiting period before a divorce. Her statistic was a great bonus. Divorce is certainly a great topic for debate as we head into the new millennium. There are many assumptions made about divorce, both shared and unshared. Some people believe that divorce is always a bad thing, no matter what the situation. Others believe it’s a matter of what is best for the children (if there are any). Gallagher challenges the assumption that â€Å"no-fault [will]†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.remake divorce into a kinder, gentler institution. Whitehead’s article was more impressive. In the second paragraph of the article, Whitehead uses a set of statistics to point out how â€Å"divorce [has] moved from the margins to the mainstream of American life in the space of three decades.† However, statistics are not her only form of support. In her fifth paragraph, she starts to explain the new ideas that have come along with the revolution. She begins to explain how people today believe that there is a â€Å"moral obligation to look after oneself.† She elaborates on the statement through several of the following paragraphs. Whitehead discusses â€Å"divorce as the working out of an inner life experience.† In paragraph sixteen, she writes about no-fault divorce. Around paragraph 22, divorce is looked at as a cause for some the economical changes in society. She ends her article with this statement: â€Å"Divorce in America is not unique, but what we have made of divorce is uniquely American.† The essay made several assumptions. One assumption she expanded on was one that discussed how society is becoming more in-tune with the idea of self-gratification. Though not everyone may agree, I do. More and more people are worrying about themselves and what will happen to them in specific situations, rather than worrying about what will happen to everyone involved. One of the more recognizable assumptions made was one discussing how divorce has hurt children. This seems to be an assumption shared by many. Children of broken homes are deeply affected by divorce. The main question I want to pursue is this: â€Å"Is no-fault divorce an easy way out, or is a healthy way of resolving difficult marriages?† In the article â€Å"Abolish No-Fault Divorce?,† Representative Dalman expresses her position when she states, â€Å"Two people take the vows of marriage, but under no-fault divorce laws, only one can dissolve the commitment. It’s easier to end a marriage than it is to break a contract for buying a household appliance. Disposable marriage cheapens the commitment and degrades our vows of fidelity and lifelong love.† Divorce rates across the nation have soared since the implementation of no-fault divorce standards in the early 1970s. (Ager 1) Dalman continues her argument by following with, â€Å"Prevention is the best solution to any problem. While an educational program can’t prevent all divorce, it does lay the groundwork for stronger unions. Families educated about problem-solving skills have a better chance for successful relationships.† Ager has a different view. She says, â€Å"Human relationships are fragile and prone to disease. Not all marriages deserve to be saved, and I’d argue that divorce has redeemed more human spirits than it has doomed.† She then goes on to ask: â€Å"†¦.what about encouraging women to become financially self-sufficient before they become mothers? What about keeping better track of dead-beat dads? What about government-financed day care? What about training husbands and wives to enter divorce, for the sake of their children, not as a war but as a creative project for change?† These are all very good questions that must be considered when forming opinions on the no-fault divorce debate. One section of Ager’s article really caught my eye. It is as follows: â€Å"Even now, in households were divorce is taboo, children grow up learning the ways of love from moms and dads who never embrace, who rarely laugh together, who fail to demonstrate that arguments can end with compromise and forgiveness. These moms and dads become role models for bitterness, resignation or both. This is good for the kids? This teaches them commitment? No wonder commitment gets a bad rap, promising dullness and ache. Can mandated premarital counseling†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.help keep two people happily together until death? Chances are slim†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Premarital counseling can’t  hurt,  but it won’t train couples for marriage’s surprises any more than a flight attendant’s routine safety speech will prepare passengers for terror in the air. You gotta live it to know it.† Not only do individuals have opinions, but each state has come up with some ideas of their own. In â€Å"States Put Minor Speed Bumps In Divorce Path: No-Fault Backlash,† Ann Tyson discusses the decisions of some states. Several states require mandatory parenting classes and plans. In Iowa, for instance, it is required that parents take classes so that they may better understand the practical and emotional impact of divorce on children. In Michigan, it may be required to submit detailed parenting plans that cover issues such as visitation, discipline, and education. (Tyson 1-2) Delaying divorce is another topic discussed in Tyson’s article. Bills in Georgia, Oklahoma, and Idaho have required that marriage counseling and long waiting periods take place before divorce. In some states it is required to take a series of one-hour counseling sessions before divorce, while in other states, a one-year waiting period has been put into effect. (Tyson 2) Maybe the smart choice is strengthening marriage bonds. Tom McMillen, director of the Rocky Mountain Family Council in Denver, Colorado, said, â€Å"Marriage is not just a lifestyle choice, it’s a critical institution that allows our culture to move forward.† Some states such as Minnesota and Michigan agree with McMillen and have instituted premarital counseling, rather than pre-divorce counseling. We have to decide what is more important to our society. Research shows that divorced women suffer a drop in income ranging on average from 30 percent to 70 percent. More than half of all female-headed households with children live in poverty, compared with only 10 percent of all other families with children. Medical experts say that men who divorce are to experience greater health problems and higher rates of suicide than married men. Are these things devastating to our society, or do we need to look at the other side  of things? Without no-fault divorce, many people may become trapped in abusive relationships. There may be an increase in desertion. One spouse may be lead to use bribes or threats to win the consent of the other to end marriage, thus creating the return of blackmail under the old fault-based system. (Tyson 1-3) Maybe the topic isn’t the narrow one we perceive it to be. Maybe the topic evolves more around family itself. Midge Decter does an excellent job of discussing family in her article, â€Å"The Madness of the American Family.† She explains how a family compares with a rock, and not the Garden of Eden. A rock, can be far from a comfortable place to be. â€Å"But,† she says, â€Å"living on a rock keeps you out of the swamps†¦..The most dangerous of these swamps is a place of limitless and willfully defined individual freedom. The land of limitless freedom, as so many among us are now beginning to discover, turns out to be nothing other than the deep muck and mire of Self.† She continues, â€Å"The only escape from the swamp of Self is the instinctual and lifelong engagement in the fate of others.† Decter discusses how being in a family may not make you happy, but it makes you human. She goes on: â€Å"Together, marriage and parenthood are the rock on which human existence stands†¦.[and] No matter how ardently a young man and woman believe they wish to spend their lives with one another, and no matter how enthusiastically they greet the knowledge that they are to have a baby, they do not undertake either of these things in full knowledge of the commitment they are undertaking†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦they do not know that they are embarked upon a long, long, and sometimes arduous and even unpleasant journey.† (Decter 1-19) Marriage, family, and divorce, are three controversial topics that each person must deal with in their lifetime. The great thing about them is that we are each allowed to have our own opinions about them. Maybe you haven’t picked sides, and maybe you haven’t heard enough to make a stand, but hopefully this article has got you thinking. I myself have not yet chosen a position on the topic. No-fault divorce has such a complicated base. Each marital problem causes rise to newfound solutions concerning divorce. Every person comes up with their own opinions. Each state has its laws, its bills,  and its proposals to solve the problems concerning marriage and divorce. The nation finds such problems floating above its head, waiting for someone, or something, to take hold and decrease its power to control the people within it. Nevertheless, Dector reminds us not to get frustrated about such topics when she says, â€Å"All this should be a very simple matter; God knows, it’s been going on long enough. So why have we fallen into such a state of confusion?†

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Process Reengineering In Financial Service Sector Commerce Essay

Business Process Reengineering In Financial Service Sector Commerce Essay Business Process Reengineering is a management practice that aims to improve the efficiency of the business process. The key to BPR is for organizations to look at their business processes from a â€Å"clean slate† perspective and determine how they can best construct these processes to improve how they conduct business. Reengineering is a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, speed, and service. BPR combines a strategy of promoting business innovation with a strategy of making major improvements to business processes so that a company can become a much stronger and more successful competitor in the marketplace. Re-engineering is the basis for many recent developments in management. Also, many recent management information systems developments aim to integrate a wide number of business functions. Enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, knowledge management systems, groupware and coll aborative systems, Human Resource Management Systems and customer relationship management systems all owe a debt to re-engineering theory. Business Process Reengineering is also known as Business Process Redesign, Business Transformation, or Business Process Change Management. DEFINITION â€Å"The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.† OVERVIEW OLD WINE IN NEW BOTTLES Business process reengineering (BPR) began as a private sector technique to help organizations fundamentally rethink how they do their work in order to dramatically improve customer service, cut operational costs, and become world-class competitors. A key stimulus for reengineering has been the continuing development and deployment of sophisticated information systems and networks. Leading organizations are becoming bolder in using this technology to support in novative business processes, rather than refining current ways of doing work. Business process reengineering is one approach for redesigning the way work is done to better support the organization’s mission and reduce costs. Reengineering starts with a high-level assessment of the organization’s mission, strategic goals, and customer needs. Basic questions are asked, such as â€Å"Does our mission need to be redefined? Are our strategic goals aligned with our mission? Who are our customers?† An organization may find that it is operating on questionable assumptions, particularly in terms of the wants and needs of its customers. Only after the organization rethinks what it should be doing, does it go on to decide how best to do it. Within the framework of this basic assessment of mission and goals, reengineering focuses on the organization’s business processes-the steps and procedures that govern how resources are used to create products and services that m eet the needs of particular customers or markets. Reengineering focuses on redesigning the process as a whole in order to achieve the greatest possible benefits to the organization and their customers. This drive for realizing dramatic improvements by fundamentally rethinking how the organization’s work should be done distinguishes reengineering from process improvement efforts that focus on functional or incremental improvement Business process reengineering is the main way in which organizations become more efficient and modernize. Business process reengineering transforms an organization in ways that directly affect performance.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Creative Problem Solving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Creative Problem Solving - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the identification of new and existing opportunities is what enables a business establishment and sustainment. To identify these opportunities, it really calls for creativity. According to Frigard, creativity is a kind of imagination that fosters originality. For creativity to be achieved, ingenuity has to be incorporated. Ingenuity is the incorporation of bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical capacity and spatial capacity in the creative process. The ingenuity model for creative problem solving is what is used to incorporate ingenuity in the process of creativity. This technique is identified as the most appropriate problem-solving technique when there is a need to achieve new solutions to business problems. New opportunities identified in entrepreneurship enable a business to increase its productivity. They also enable the business to have a competitive advantage over other businesses in the industry. However, the identification and exploitation of th ese opportunities cannot happen without innovation. Therefore, entrepreneurship is directly related to innovation. Moreover, economic development results in the emergence of new opportunities that require both identification and exploitation. The identification and exploitation are done by entrepreneurship and thus entrepreneurship and economic development are related. Generation and implementation of new ideas and solutions require creative problem-solving. The ingenuity model for problem-solving enables an entrepreneur to achieve solutions and ideas that are different from those of others. This is what makes a particular firm different from the rest of the industry thus making it more competitive. Therefore, we can say that creative problem solving is a key aspect of entrepreneurship.  Ã‚  

Social media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Social media - Research Paper Example rities or the managers performing the marketing operations for the organization might protect him or the organization from the negative impacts of the social media and from its upcoming challenges in future. This research paper mainly highlights the four components that need to be kept in mind by a legally astute social media marketing manager of an organization. Along with this, all the alternative dispute resolution methods need to be analysed in order to mitigate the disputes so as to maintain a good relationship with the clients. Not only this, the manager of the organization performing transactions through social media might also be well aware about the policies by which the federal government might resolve the disputes. In order to retain the competitiveness of an organization, social media marketing is extremely essential. However, the four characteristics that a legally astute social media marketing manager needs to keep in mind are a positive attitude towards the legal issues and various regulations, explicit knowledge over the rules, laws and techniques. Other than this the proactive attitude towards the importance of laws is also extremely essential in making an organizational portfolio successful as well as the manager may comprise of the ability to utilise well-versed judgements so as to resolve the legal implications in an effective way. In order to amplify the operations and functions of the organization, the social media manager needs to be well-knowledgeable with all the above mentioned components. This might help the manager to enhance the brand image and reputation of the organization thereby amplifying its profit margin to a significant extent among many other rival players. Therefore , it might be clearly stated that in order to maintain the marketing operations of an organization effectively through social media, it’s extremely essential to be analyse and understand the legal impacts of the rules and regulations of social media (Joosten,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Electro magntic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Electro magntic - Essay Example MS Excel once more helped drew the line of best fit and helped conclude that the relationship was actually also linear. The resulting formula has the ability to calculate the exact amount of force in any given length of coil. Even when the length of coil was varied, the resulting relationship was still consistently linear. Here is the formula: 3- The plotted points above show the relationship between the force and the magnetic field when the latter was altered. The graph shows a rather approximate linear relationship, and the general equation or formula is based on the line of best fit that is made through MS Excel. The formula is as follows: 4- Other relationships plotted above the graph of force tended to have nonlinear relationships with the varied angle. Theoretically, current-bearing conductors in magnetic fields with respect to altered angles tend to form sinusoids. The sinusoid is dependent on a number of factors such as current, magnetic field and the length of the coil conductor. Given that every other condition remains constant, the plotted graph assumes the form of a sin graph. Perhaps, the only discrepancy here is that the magnetic field is expressed in the number of magnets and not in SI units. Magnetic field is usually expressed in Teslas (T) and so there was a calculation to determine how much the consistent value of equivalent teslas is on the six magnets. The formula derived from this is as follows: Considering that our current, magnetic field and coil length were all constant from the results table, a specific angle was replaced with a force value in order to determine the constant value of Teslas appropriate for the magnetic field of six magnets, thus, 1. The doubling of the current will increase the value by a factor of 0.0058, which means that the current is actually directly proportional to the calculated force. Thus, it is expected that the force would increase. b. An electrical car that runs on an electrical

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Teachers Can Identify Talented Students Term Paper

How Teachers Can Identify Talented Students - Term Paper Example It is imperative for teachers to first understand what giftedness or talent is, in order to determine whether a student is talented or not.   According to  Goodhew (2009), a person is said to be talented if he or she is unique in one or more aspects when compared to other individuals within the same age bracket. Talented students have specific learning attributes that enable them to attain excellent performance in comparison to those around them. Such talented learners often require distinctive education services or programs, which supersede those conventionally provided by regular education programs.   Without such perks, talented students may fail to develop their identity and ability to contribute optimally to society. Teachers should note that talented children that have high-performance capacity usually demonstrate potential ability or overachievement in one or more of several areas.   These areas include particular academic aptitude, general intellectual capacity, produ ctive or creative thinking, leadership capacity, and proficiency in visual or performing arts. For effective talent identification, teachers must work closely with parents, so as to take note of information and observations made both at home and at school. With the preceding giftedness attributes in mind, teachers must commit themselves to play the crucial role of scouting for student talent. This implies that instructors must remain alert to potential talent signs in four principal areas including, intellectual/academic, technical/vocational, social/interpersonal and artistic matters. Chuska (2005) is emphatic that this process of identifying talent must be started at an early age and progress, as the student continues to grow and develop. Such continuity would serve to facilitate better development and delineation of the students’ interests and strengths. Therefore, instructors should know that talent identification is not a one-time occurrence that enables them to declare children talented solely at a particular time.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Whether it should be legalized to genetically choose the feature of Research Paper - 1

Whether it should be legalized to genetically choose the feature of your own child - Research Paper Example Human rights advocates have also stepped in saying that it is unlawful for the initial genetic structure and composition of a child to be altered or interfered with in any way. Lastly, religious leaders have also come up strongly against genetic intervention basing their arguments on various religious books. Educated and experienced researchers have gone further to compile literary articles that have been used in research fields by students who have shown upending a solution to the above question interests in learning and finding the solution to the above question. This research question is very crucial as it forms the basis of comprehension and cogent reasoning of various intellects to come up with a rational conclusion. Human genetics has always raised fundamental questions across a wide range or variety of disciplines. Due to this, there has been a continuous infusion of capital, talent, and time in a bid to come up with certain important characteristics of human genetic composition. Over the past two decades, researches in various matriculation institutions, government based organizations and at individual level have been in progress with an aim of coming up with or targeting the same goal. As understood, research is not always perfect, these researchers and organizations have always centered their research on the original theses by other researchers. For instance, most of the researches that have been done in this field have been based on the findings of the Dutch Monk, Gregory Mendel’s Genetic Determinism, for instance, the law of inheritance (Edelson 28). An example of a nation that has taken the matter to a greater height compared to other countries is the US. Research reveals that its government has invested approximately $3 billion over the past one and a half decade in the Human Genome project. This project is aimed at decoding or comprehending the language of human genes. Its final aim is to come up with identification of the genetic components of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Qualitative research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Qualitative research - Assignment Example The results generated in the article on infertility are detailed, rich, and products of valid processes. The valid process is the ingredient of in-depth comprehension of the topic under investigation. A sample size of twenty participants remains reliable in terms of data generation with proper links to cause-and-effect relationships. Important in this context was the topic of choice. Comparatively, Vickers holds that physicians do not study nutrition as a science in the same way that nutritional therapeutics do. Therefore, physicians do not practice nutrition as part of conventional medicine. Conventional settings only allow dieticians to work with specific groups of patients. Such cases include obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular risk features, and swallowing problems as well as those with digestive problems. Physicians only extend nutritional interventions to the treatment of rare metabolic condition and those involving gross nutritional deficiencies. However, other nutritional interventions do not apply to conventional medical practices. Physicians end up categorising them as complementary medicine. The source highlights various examples of nutritional supplementation (Vickers 2001). They include The article on fertility was a product of a qualitative study that followed a phenomenological technique that explored experiences of infertile women in their sexual lives. On the other hand, the article on unconventional approaches to nutritional medicine highlighted, albeit qualitatively, the differences in the study of nutrition by physicians and nutritional therapeutics. The article identifies the variance in undertaking the study under conventional and unconventional settings. The article on infertility only sampled twenty participants. However, the article on unconventional approaches to medicine took the universal approach of collecting information across the globe from various sources under the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Is spanking child abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Is spanking child abuse - Essay Example The varying points of view relate to the definition of spanking and further, what can be termed as rational force. In this light, spanking involves the physical infliction of pain as a sign of instilling discipline, better known as corporal punishment and it is legal as long as the force used is rational (Mercer 26). The definition of rational would also be important to point out, being the application of such force that will lead to the correction of the wrong behavior that does not lead to injury. The key to this definition, any force used to serve disciplinary action to the child may be termed as irrational when the behavior is not corrected or the circumstances do not show proof of a clear intent of correcting (Quinn 50). Although most people hold different opinions on the subject, spanking has been seen to be ineffective to correction and the infliction of pain may be termed as abuse to the children. Proponents of spanking believe that children who are spanked in their childhood years grow to be better adults. They express high codes of discipline and are less likely to engage in unlawful activity in their later years. This group believes that discipline is a vital issue in the society and every means possible must be used to uphold it (Mercer 31). Further, if a pinch on the arm would teach the child a lesson for a child who fought, another in class, then some teachers contend that the method would best be applied in the school environment. Some people believe that corporal punishment made them change in their earlier years, without which things would not have been the same if other methods had used. This perceived effectiveness of spanking is therefore used to justify this mode of abusive punishment. Conversely, it is imperative to go beyond the mere fact of correcting the child, to the psychological perspective of corporal punishment. Researchers in this line argue that

Effects of Divorce Essay Example for Free

Effects of Divorce Essay Divorce can be defined as the termination of a marital union, the canceling of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and the dissolving of the bonds of matrimony between married couples (Wikipedia, 2013). Divorce affects the couple and children (if any). The divorce is the most serious social problem that affects almost the entire life of the children and the couple, it also makes troubles like: sadness, despair, and unforgettable moments (Williams, 2013). In this paper, I will be discussing the factors contributing to divorce in Canada and will also explain certain statistics used as well. The methodologies that I will be using are both the qualitative and quantitative approach. The reasons I am using both of them are because by using the quantitative research, I will develop mathematical hypotheses pertaining to the phenomena. Also to analyze this topic with the use of statistics to make it somewhat accurate, while for quantitative; because it will explain in word data about my information. I strongly believe that these two forms of methodology will properly explain the factors contributing to divorce. The history of the legalization of divorce in Canada predates that of its colonial overseer, England, where it was only in 1857 that divorce was legislated, mainly on grounds of adultery. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island respectively enacted divorce laws in 1761, 1791, and 1837, generally on grounds of adultery (Wu Schimmele, 2009). It was not until 1968 that Canada enacted its first unified Federal Divorce Act, which was followed by the more liberal or no fault act of 1985 and it was mentioned that the sole reason for divorce is marriage breakdown, which is defined as either living apart for at least one year, or committing adultery, or treating the other spouse with physical or mental cruelty. Though divorce rates have not increased recently in Canada, the number of divorced persons is however increasing with population growth. In 2007, there were 972,183 divorced women and 712,531 divorced men in the population (Statistics Canada, 2007). The difference between the men and women is because divorced men re-partner faster and more than women and also because women live longer than men.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pitfalls of the American Dream in of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Pitfalls of the American Dream in of Mice and Men Essay I feel that I am a citizen of the American Dream and that the revolutionary struggle against the American nightmare. † This quote by Eldridge Cleaver states that one has the right to achieve the American Dream however, there are factors that work against one trying to achieve the American Dream. In John Steinbeck’s â€Å"Of Mice And Men† , the pitfalls of the American Dreams are more effectively demonstrated in comparison to the movies directed by Gary Sinise. Towards the beginning of the movie one can easily point out differences that were not in the novel. For example, in the book, Lennie and George were aware of Curley’s arriage. â€Å"He got married a couple of weeks ago. Wife lives over in the bosss house (13). However, in the movie the men are not aware of Curley’s wife before she come into the room. This helps to give readers a hint on how this women will play a role in their failure at achieving the American Dream. In both the movie and the book, a women running for her life in a memorable red dress is presented, â€Å"He jus wanted to touch that red dress, like he wants to pet them pups all the time(3. 28-30) It is later revealed that Lennie touched her and for that he was on the run. After the introduction of Curley’s wife, one can infer that something similar will happen with her and that this women will also be a pitfall in achieving the American Dream. Thas good, he said. You drink some, George. You take a good big drink. He smiled happily. (1. 7) In this quotes from the book, the readers are lead to conclude that Lennie has mental disabilities as he can be compared to a child. In both the movie and the book, Lennie’s disabilities are displayed which can later on be a pitfall in achieving the American Dream. Run us out, hell, said George disgustedly. We run. They was ookin for us, but they didnt catch us (1. 50-55) Both the movie and the book reveal the situation that occurred in the weeds, George and Lennie’s previous Jobs. Based on events from the past, readers can foreshadow that history will repeat it self which can add to the failure in achieving the American Dream. It is clear that many do not travel together. Aint many guys travel around together, he mused. I dont know why. Maybe everbody in the whole damn world is scared of each other' (35). In both the book and the movie, Slim states that he doesn’t really see many traveling together. In the book however, a better understanding of why men don’t travel together is created. Overall this quotes from the book can aid readers to predict that George and Lennie will not stay together after all and that their friendship will be put to the test. With this being said, their dream will be at risk. The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again (106) Towards the end of both the movie and the book, George shoots Lennie. As it was previously predicted, Lennie’s past has caught up to him as he again has violated a women. In this case he has killed Curley’s wife. Due to her death, Curley has vowed to make Lennie suffer. George felt the need to take matters into his own hands and kill Lennie. This event in both the movie and the book highlight the major pitfall of the American Dream. Now that Lennie is dead, the American Dream will not be achieved. However, the book demonstrated this pitfall by creating a better vivid image of what occurred. After analyzing both the movie and the book, one can conclude that John Steinbeck’s â€Å"Of Mice And Men† demonstrates the pitfalls of the American dream better than the move â€Å"Of Mice And Men† directed by Gary Sinise.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nepal Flu Pandemic: Causes and Solutions

Nepal Flu Pandemic: Causes and Solutions Short notes on the flu, influenza and Pandemic Influenza also called as flu, is a respiratory illness that is caused by a virus. Flu is highly contagious and is usually spread by the coughs and sneezes of a person who is infected. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 5% to 15% of the worlds population is infected by flu each year. The symptoms of flu are: High temperature, Joints and limbs pain, headache, fatigue, gastro intestinal symptoms that linger for about a week. The Precautions that should be taken during flu attack are Stay at home Avoid contact with other people Keep yourself warm and rest Consume plenty of liquids Avoid alcohol Through vaccination that protects you for about two weeks There are three types of flu viruses ie infuenza A, influenza B and influenza C. Types A and B viruses are the cause of seasonal epidemics and it infect about 20% population of the world each year. The type C influenza virus may cause respiratory illness of mild nature but is not responsible for epidemics. Proteins on the surface of influenza A viruses can be divided into subtypes the hemagglutinin (H) and the neuraminidase (N). 16 different hemagglutinin subtypes and 9 different neuraminidase subtypes are known to exist. A H1N1 and H3N2 are the current subtypes of influenza A viruses found in people. There are no B virus subtypes, but there are different influenza B virus strains. Pandemic A pandemic is a global disease outbreak. It needs global resources to contain the effect of disease. Influenza pandemic means a global outbreak of disease caused by a new type of virus. The past evidences and study suggest that flu pandemic virus spread in all parts of the globe within six to nine months. Due to the changed scenario of the world ie globalization and speed of air travel, influenza pandemic could spread much more quickly. A pandemic usually occur in waves but all parts of the world may not be affected at the same time. The records of pandemic in the world are: Spanish influenza killed 40-50 million people in 1918. Asian influenza killed 2 million people in 1957. Hong Kong influenza killed 1 million people in 1968. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Cluster The aim of any WASH program is to promote personal and environmental hygiene in order to protect health.. An effective WASH program comprises of Information exchange between the agency and the disaster-affected population Identification of key hygiene problems Formulation of Culturally appropriate solutions Ensure the optimal use of all water supply and sanitation facilities Practice safe hygiene and positive impact in public health . Hygiene promotion is essential for a successful WASH intervention. The focus on Hygiene promotion is general and specific. In general terms, hygiene promotion Is integral to all of the sections and is reflected in the indicators for water supply, excreta disposal, vector control, solid waste management and drainage. In 2005,in order to enhance predictability, accountability and partnership, Humanitarian Reform Agenda introduced the cluster approach with a clear mandate for improving coordination in emergencies. The Global Water Sanitation and Hygiene Cluster is a partnership grouping 32 partners and aiming at improving the coordination and the humanitarian response in the WASH Sector. The main pillars of WASH cluster are: Effective coordination and capacity Timely operational support to national WASH coordination platforms response as needed Improved emergency preparedness Accountability and learning to facilitates effective WASH cluster actions Operational advocacy for WASH (Cluster, 2013) WASH Cluster in Nepal The WASH cluster is led by the Ministry of Urban Development and co-led by UNICEF in Nepal. The WASH cluster is operational in Nepal since 2008 to respond to the displace people of Koshi Flooding. WASH looks after the water sanitation and hygiene of vulnerable communities. Its activities include long term resilience of the community through sustained waste access, water supply, initial need requirement assessment at the time of emergency situations to gather information on minimum water quantities required, minimum number of toilet and public places required, monitoring of water and excreta related disease transmission, household water treatments, and solid waste management. The main focus of the cluster is on the following: Hygiene Promotion Excreta disposal Vector control Solid waste management Proper drainage systems The WASH cluster in Nepal has made a preparedness status in case of an earthquake scenario in Kathmandu. According to the report, the water demand of Kathmandu valley is approx. 320 million per day where as the current supply is 160 million per day. UNICEF conducted seismic vulnerability mapping of the drinking water supply system in 2003 along with the capacity mapping in 2008. The cluster has prepared a contingency plan with the participation of Government of Nepal, UN and other I/NGOs. UNICEF has made 22,000 standard hygiene kits available along with prepositioned stock of WASH supplies that include water tanks, toilet slabs, buckets, and water treatment equipment. Prime Minister Calamity (Relief) Fund 2063 of Nepal A Prime Minister Disaster relief fund release policy 2063 was formulated to set up a Prime minister relief fund and to define the policy for the use of relief fund so that effective assistance can be provided to the disaster victims. The Fund is operated by the committee of 8 members, secretary from the Prime minister office being the secretary. All the amount of the fund is deposited in Nepal Rastra Bank or any other bank. The amount of the fund shall be operated with the signature of at least two persons. The committee can share its rights of using fund with CNDRC or DDRC as per requirement. The fund comprises the amount received from: The aid given by members of government service The amount given by NGO, INGos , industrialist, NRN , citizens Aid providing country , foreign NGO Other sources The fund can only be used for following purpose: Rescue of the disaster victim and protection of property. Temporary camp establishment To provide Emergency food, medicine , aid, clothes and education Medical treatment of those injured due to disaster Aid for dead body management. Disaster preparedness and awareness Debris removal and management Aid for Shelter construction and rehabilitation The fund operation committee comprises following members : Vice-Chairperson National planning commission Secretary : MOHA Secretary : Ministry of local development Secretary : Ministry of Population and Health Secretary : Ministry of water Resources Secretary : Ministry of Agriculture development Secretary : Ministry of physical planning and construction Secretary: Coordinator, Office of Prime minister and council of ministers. The accounts and Audits is maintained in accordance of the prevalent law. National Relief Standard 2064 of Nepal The National relief standard 2064 was formulated as a guideline for providing financial assistance to the disaster victims. It was amended in 2064 and 2069. This relief standard comprises of Rescue preparedness management Emergency Relief and Rescue Information management, Supervision and Evaluation Rescue preparedness management Central disaster relief committee arranges for standby search and rescue materials for immediate response. Risk assessment and hazard mapping for minimizing risk and warehousing of relief material in centre, regional and district level. Identify the type of disaster the district is vulnerable to . Maintenance of standby skilled manpower at least 25 . For search and Rescue , in all 75 districts , rescue equipments are warehoused and 25 persons are kept standby. Provision of central disaster relief fund of 7 lakh and District disaster relief fund 3 lakh. Socials worker, Ngos should coordinate with LDRC for public awareness about disaster management. The displace people should be organized in a camp that is established in a open space other than school and healthpost. DDRC should coordinate national and international Search and Rescue team. Emergency rescue and aid distribution DDRC should provide 40000 for the family of person who die in a disaster. If a house and food crops are destroyed due to disaster, for emergency sustainment of life Rs 5000 per family is given. If camp has to be organized, DDRC should coordinate MOHA. If food and financial aid is to be provided, the details should be sending to MOHA. The aid should be provided through either LDRC or DDRC. The presence of elected Member of Parliament/ leaders of all political parties encouraged. If the situation of local displacement is prominent upto 20,000 aid can be provided after the decision of DDRC. For the contingency situation CNDRC can provide additional 15000/ Family. The treatment of disaster victim in governmental hospital is free. RS 1000 to be provided for further care. For the rehabilitation and Reconstruction Ministry of forest should provide subsided wood. If any member of disaster victim family wants to go for foreign employment, DDRC should recommend to Department od labor and transport. The victims of Earthquake , Flood, Landslide, Thunderstrom, Strom, Cold web , Snow Fall , Air, road accident and boat capsize due to disaster are only liable for aid. CDO can spend Upto Rs 5000, through the decision of DDRC. The actions mentioned above can only be implemented by DDRC within the 30 days of disaster. Information management, Supervision and evaluation A website of National focal point should be made for information dissemination. NEOC and CDO office should update the statistics of central and district level of disaster and publish it annually. RDRC should evaluate and supervise the work of DDRC at least one time a year and send report to CNDRC. CNDRC should deploy supervision and evaluation team to monitor the activities of RDRC and DDRC . Nepal Government provided medal and prize for those who do commendable work during disaster. Dead Body management Guidelines 2068 During disaster response the dead body management is equally important as search and rescue actions. Dead body management guidelines was endorsed to guide the concerned stakeholders for effective collection, transport, storage, identification and funeral of the dead body so that dead body can be managed and the community need not bear further loss due to the effect of mismanaged dead body. The dead body management guidelines was approved by council of ministers in 2068 and thus implemented. The aim of this guidelines is to make a standard operating procedure to lawfully manage dead body effectively by Assigning responsibility to an agency for dead body management in central and district level. Defining the role and responsibilities of concerned stakeholders Provide platform for preparedness Capacity building Training and awareness for proper search, transport, storage, identification and management of dead body. Information sharing The organizational system for dead body Management The central responsibility of management of dead body is of MOHA and NEOC. In district level the responsibility of dead body management is of DDRC and CDO office. There is provision of dead body management committee in every districts that comprise of 8 member that includes members of the Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Hospitals, Army, Red Cross and DDR The secretary of the committee is the CDO of each district. The effective dead body management means Search and collection of dead body : The dead body should be searched immediately and should be stored , identified and perform funeral rituals in appropriate manner. The following points should be considered while searching a dead body: Security clearance of dead body The security of relief workers like use of boot, gloves and personal safety equipments. Each dead body should be given different number. If the body is shattered each parts should be given a different number. Before wrapping up a dead body four pictures from different angle ie face , whole body , body below chest , body above knee should be taken . Identification form should be filled. Transportation of Dead Body: Dead body should be transported to morgue. Before transporting the dead body : Identification Secure the dead body and transport with due respect Dead body should be covered. Ambulance should not be used. Storage and preservation of dead body : Hospitals and private hospitals can be used Identification of dead body By primary methods like fingerprints , forensic deontology , radiology, DNA By secondary methods like observation, photograph , details , clothes etc. Verification of dead body: Post mortem data collection and Ante mortem Data collection Final management of dead body Set priority Issue dead certificate Handover the dead body to the concerned Information and communication management Media management Crisis communication Aid to Victim Establish family communication center Provide psycho social aid Capacity Building program: The program to enhance the capacity to manage the dead body effectively should be endorsed. Inter Agency Standing Committee Inter agency standing committee (IASC) was established in June 1992 after the resolution of General Assembly 46/182 with the prime aim of inter agency coordination of humanitarian assistance. It is a forum where the key UN and non-UN humanitarian partners are involved. Under the leadership of Emergency Relief coordinator, the IASC Develop humanitarian policies Division of responsibilities on various aspects of humanitarian assistance Identifies and addresses gaps in response Advocates for effective application of humanitarian principles. The key principles of IASC are: Respect for mandates: IASC respect the mandates of individual organizations. Ownership : All organization have equal ownership Overall objective : is to support humanitarian action Relevance to field operations Subsidiarity : decisions taken at the most appropriate level as agreed by IASC Impartiality of Secretariat Full members of the IASC are The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) The United nations office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs(OCHA) The United Nations Development Program(UNDP) The United Nations Human settlement Programme(HABITAT) The United nations High Commissioner for refugee(UNHCR) The United Nations Children Fund(UNICEF) The United Nation Population Fund(UNFPA) The World Food Programme(WFP) and TheWorld Health Organisation(WHO). Standing invitees of the IASC are ICRC International council for voluntary agencies(ICVA) IFRC InterAction International Organisation for Migration(IOM), Office of the high Commisiioner for human Rights, Steering committee for humanitarian Responseand World Bank Describe Cluster Approach focusing on Nepal A cluster is a group of organization working together to improve the humanitarian response. Humanitarian coordinator leads the cluster at country level. In 2005, in order to enhance predictability, accountability and partnership, Humanitarian Reform Agenda introduced the cluster approach with a clear mandate for improving coordination in emergencies. Cluster approach id used for any major and new emergencies. The several criteria that triggers the activation of cluster are : Lack of capacity on ground Multi sector response Wide Range of Actors The decision lies primary in field. After the disaster the initial need and gap assessment is done. To fill the gap the appropriate sectors are activated by the humanitarian coordinator in close consultation with the Humanitarian country Team. Explain UN Civil Military Coordination in your own words Un civil and military coordination is an essential dialogue and interaction between civilian and military actors in humanitarian emergencies necessary to promote and promote humanitarian principals, avoid competition , minimize inconsistency and when appropriate pursue common goals. (OCHA). Coordination is generally a shared responsibility. It is facilitated by liaison and joint training. The basic elements of UN civil Military coordination are: Information sharing Task division Planning United Nations Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination (UN-CMCoord) is essential for the establishment and protection of the ideal humanitarian operating environment in emergencies. Cooperation and co-existence are two strategies that can be applied in certain emergency contexts. However competition and conflict may still occur. It is essential that in the times of disaster, the military and civilian actors involved in response, must coordinate in critical areas in order to enhance cooperation and co-existence and minimize competition and conflict.The critical areas for cooperation can be security, logistics, transportation, communications, health and information. Primary Tasks Associated with the UN-Civil Military coordination function are : Support the establishment and sustainment of dialogue with military forces. Assist in the development and dissemination of guidelines for the humanitarian community’s interaction with military forces and armed actors. Establish a mechanism for the coordination of the UN humanitarian interaction with military forces and other armed actors. Monitor assistance activities undertaken by the military forces. Assist in the negotiation of issues in critical areas of coordination. UN civil military coordination is a broad framework that integrates the effort of civilian and military and guides political and military actors on how best to support the humanitarian action. Based on internationally agreed guidelines, a context-specific policy is developed that establishes humanitarian civil-military coordination structures, ensuring staff members are well trained to make that coordination work. UN-civil military coordination is essential in complex emergencies order to facilitate humanitarian access, the protection of civilians and the security of humanitarian aid workers. (OCHA)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children

Every day, about five children in the United States are murdered by a parent or caretaker. In 2014, more than 3 million reports of child abuse were made in the United States involving more than 6 million children. Child abuse kills more children in America than does accidental falls, choking on food, suffocation, or fires in the home (Newton). As if these statistics weren’t horrifying enough, they are inaccurate in relaying the actual number of children that have fallen victim to child abuse in the United States. The sad reality is child abuse is severely under-reported in the United States. Most abused and neglected children never come to the attention of government officials. Victims almost never speak of their abuse for fear of retaliation from their perpetrator (Newton). Even if the abuse has been reported, the victim will often deny the offense took place. This is especially prevalent in cases of abuse, in which the victim shows no physical injury (Thompson). The main reason children do not speak of their abuse or just flatly deny that their abuse had occurred is due to their lack of comfort within the situation. It is very uncomfortable for a child to accuse a parent or caretaker of abuse or neglect. The child can also feel an intense amount of shame and can become very withdrawn and secretive, in regards to their abuse. It is much easier for the child to take the abuse and allow their cries to go unanswered. The most common pattern of abuse is a child vic...

Filter of History :: essays research papers

History is told through a filter. Whether it is the filter of a persons mind or of a writer’s pen. Events such as the assassination of JFK, or for my generation the explosion of the Challenger have a way of burning themselves in our minds. We remember where we were, what we were doing, even what we were wearing. One would think that the details of such an event would remain fairly accurate from person to person, however this is untrue. As in the example given in the reading selection after the Civil War ended some people only chose to remember the bravery of the white soldiers, not the reason brother was against brother. Some in the South tried to pretend that nothing had changed with the Lynch laws forcing slaves back onto the plantations. It seems that region as well as human thought was the influence of these ideals. A person can chose to remember an event as something that is painful or concentrate on the good of the event. As with a persons memory of history being a filter so is that of a historian’s pen, even though the reasons vary. This can be traced back nearly to the beginning of written history, though most examples are taken from the early Catholic Church. Furthermore, factors of politics, region, and public opinion almost always have an effect on what becomes written history. â€Å"History came to play a major role in propagating this modern orthodoxy, particularly in the United States. And just because their national history was so integral to Americans’ identity, the new orthodoxy became part of the political conflicts generated by industrialization† (Appleby et al.,132). In contrast to remembering and writing what is more pleasant comes the historian who wants to tear down the pedestals that some of our great figures have been placed on. Charles Beard, a preeminent progressive historian set out to do just this to our

Friday, July 19, 2019

LOreal Case Study :: essays research papers

Recognizing the increasing rate of obesity in both children and adults Effortless Innovations, was founded with the goal of decreasing the obesity rate of both children and adults by providing quality exercise equipment for both children and their parents that promote physical activity both indoors and outdoors. Due to the recent increase in the popularity of video games, our company is forced to compete with them in order to make our products more appealing to our target market. It is a trampoline that is surrounded by a protective covering to prevent accidental injury. The jump-o- line also has a carb counter as well as a CD player featured on the side so that you can keep track of how much fat you are burning as well as have music to entertain yourself. The jump-o-line is available in different sizes the standard being 12 foot but 10 and 14 foot also available. We would be targeting parents as well as children. The jump-o-line would be to promote parents and children exercising outdoors together. We would try to make this product as affordable as possible in order to encourage its usage by people from every economic background. One demographic factor that we are taking in to consideration is age; the group that we are targeting is children ages 8-13. We would be targeting the southern and western states because of their warmer climate, which makes our product ideal for outside fun for the entire family. Children and Parents are increasingly overweight; this would promote physical activity as well as encourage parents and children to play, interact and exercise together. Consumers of all races as economic classes could benefit from this product. However, we would be targeting the individuals and families in the working class. The trampoline is a product that is already in existence but we believe that with a few minor changes (CD player and carbohydrate counter) the Jump-o-line will boost the popularity with children. The major competitors to the Jump-o-line are the other trampoline providers such as: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  38† Mini Trampoline available at Goods and Deeds for $29.99 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jumpking 15’ Trampoline and Trampoline enclosure available at Elite Deals for $549.95 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Land Trampoline 12’available at KB toys for $199.99 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trampoline plus Enclosure Combo available at JCPenny for $299.99 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gaiam Trampoline- Yoga Yoga Gear available at Wal-Mart for $99.95 All of the current competitors sell the idea of fun and excitement. However, the Jump-o-line offers much more and in some cases a more reasonable price.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to Read Literature like a Professor Notes

Conventions In stones: Types of characters Plot rhythms Chapter structures Point-of-view limitations Chapter 1: Every Trip is a Quest (Except When It's Not) The reason for a quest Is always self-knowledge The stated reason is never the actual reason to go on a quest, the real reason for a quest is self-knowledge. Most of the time, when a piece of literature involves someone going somewhere and doing something, it is a quest. Chapter 2: Nice to Eat You: Acts of Communion Whenever people eat or drink together, it's communionSharing a meal Is a very personal thing (you wouldn't have a meal someone you hated). Food Is a universal thing that we as humans share. In Cathedral a man who hated people with disabilities bonded to a man who was blind over food. Chapter 5: Now, Where Have I Seen Her Before? There is no such thing as a wholly original work of literature All authors pull inspiration from previous works. In Going After Cacciatore, Tim O'Brien pulls inspiration from Lewis Carol's Ali ce In Wonderland when he has his character saying that they have to fall up to get out, onto Vetting tunnel.Authors also use historical Inspiration. O'Brien models the main character's lover interest after Showcases (a brown-skinned young women guiding a group of mostly white men, speaking a language they don't know, knowing where to go, where to find food, and taking them west) There is only one story. Chapter 9: It's All Greek to Me Myth Is the body of story that matters Greek and Roman myths are so Ingrained Into our consciousness that we don't realize how apparent they are. Like in William Carols Williams painting Landscape with Fall of Cirrus.Without the legs sticking out of the water in that making the painting that much less popular. Chapter 12: Is That A Symbol If it's not symbolism, it's allegory Symbols are personal things We want It to mean one thing, but Is Impossible because then the novel ceases to be what it is, â€Å"a network of meanings and signification. † Meaning doesn't lie of the surface of the novel. Authors may have the same object mean a variety of things. Pay attention to how you feel about the text. It probably means something. Interlude: Does He Mean That?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

1. Is It Fine to Privatize Profits and Nationalize Losses, Is It Right for Organisational Development?

1. Is it fine to privatize cyberspace and nationalize losses, is it right for organisational festering? As the United States Of America had to live on sub- immemorial crisis during 2007-2008. Many home-owners defaulted in their payments causing Freddie and Fannie to come multi-billion dollar losses. The share prices tumbled by much than 90% and the investors around the world matte up that these two unanimouss king non be able to live upto the guarantees which they have to offer to the public.It is somehow effectiveified to Privatize profits and nationalize losses as the major(ip) companies(Freddie and Fannie) which required bailouts were US federal organisation entities and their guarantee was backed up by the federal government and in font of crisis the US government backed it with a gurarantee. Therefore the mortgage was a precise safe option for the public. It is somehow argued that to privatize profits and nationalize losses is non good for the Organisational Dev elopment of the companies as this might set up a questioning example for the in store(predicate).It encourages weak leading and brusque management. The organisations should access the risk associated with their functioning and should come after a proactive border on to tax return such(prenominal) problems. The assured government bailout would arrogate the organisational working which would otherwise have been different. 2. Was this a result of failure of leadership of these firms ? The declination of such huge companies is not just a failure of the financial system, scarcely also a huge leadership failure.Excessive reside in ain financial goals as against the larger interest of the organization is one of the root let of this nuclear meltdown. These days some managers are not that efficient and rely on reciprocate and incentives. They believe that if they hire smart people, shed huge incentives for personal results, the management of the firm would take care of itself. Under such circumstances, taking risks to achieve personal goals fifty-fifty if that puts others or organization in hazard seems acceptable.These particular leadership failures have been a major cause of this full-scale meltdown of US financial So, proper approach and tackling problems in advance can eliminate such kind of downfall of the companies. For eg. The subprime crises has neer been thought off in Indian merchandise and the indian companies are not providing sub prime loans and have been alone dealing with prime mortgage market so as to avoid future debacles which would prove fatal for the economy. The sub prime market of India is considerably small than the apex mortgage market.

How did Tolstoy have such a fascinating insight to every level of society?

Leo Tolstoy, -a Russian novelist, a social and moral philosopher and one of the superlative writers of either time- lived during the plosive of realism. Most of his move approximatelys ease up the reader to Russian conduct in the ahead of time 19th century and rough of them deal with Russias historical history or social remains. How did Tolstoy have much(prenominal) a fascinating insight to every take aim of parliamentary procedure? How did history or the multitude virtually him enamour his writing? In what ways did he, himself influence state through his writing? Why do people, today read his works all oer the world?Leo Tolstoy was born(p) on folk 9, 1828, at Yasnaya Polyana, his parents estate close to Moscow. His m other(a) died when he was two old mature grey. His father was a cutowning nobleman, and he died when his son turned nine. Orphaned at an proto(prenominal) age, Tolstoy was raised by his aunt, a deeply ghostly woman. The new Tolstoy trustworth y his first training from German and French tutors who taught him at home. Having a good tuition seemed really important in his eyes, so he attended a university where he studied law of nature and languages.After having lost interest and disagreeing with some of the teachers, he left without a degree and went back to his familys old estate to continue the family tradition. (McGraw-Hill, p. 481) There he grade out to reform the imperfect Russian society. During his college years Tolstoy came across some noneworthy works of dungaree Jacques Rousseau. The words of the French political thinker, who lived during the years of Enlightment, make a huge impact on the young Tolstoy. Rousseau had huge trust in the common people, those who were loosely looked down by higher(prenominal) society.He argued in favor of equality and called for the abolition of all titles of invest and nobility. Tolstoy liked these views and agreed with most of them. He, too, had had faith in the lower clas ses and distinctly proverb the faults of nobility. Man is born free, and everywhere is in chains, was his favorite quote from Rousseau. (World History, p. 435) merely neer would he have imagined what kind of a conflict he got himself into by rendering his views on society. Tolstoy saw the dissipation and extravagance of high society, and also the injustices and exiguity of serfs.Serfs were the people forced to work on the land in Russias feudal system. The feudal system in Russia meant that poor families received land, food and housing from a nobleman, and they worked and served him in return. These people were treated very badly, they lived among slimy corrects and they had no hope of ever improving their condition of purport because they never received any education. Tolstoy clearly saw the injustices of this situation and he was saddened to see generations of people sentenced to working for someone else with no way out.He was determined to become a model farmer and a fat her to his serfs. (McGraw-Hill, p. 481) He traveled to France and Germany and visited several(prenominal) dozen elementary schools across Europe. Finally, Tolstoy mint up a school for peasant children, endowment them a way to escape their destiny. Because of these actions Tolstoy became in conflict with higher society, which was not happy about the increasing sensory faculty of serfs. His family also limited his generosity his wife was especially annoyed because of her maintains charity towards the poor.Tolstoy married his wife when he was 34 and Sofya Andreyevna Bers was 16 years younger then(prenominal) her husband. She was a very intelligent, strong-willed woman who gave Tolstoy not bad(p) happiness and 13 children. Tolstoy continued to work with his serfs and convert his friends and other people around him to try and give the life of the work force. To everyones astonishment his estate thrived under(a) the new system where serfs were paid and given education and they li ved among better conditions. By making these changes in his estates economic life and managing it successfully, he convinced many other landowners to improve, too.After the brook of his children, Tolstoy had his own family to think about. Although he never had financial problems, he had to provide a living for his quickly growing family. In the conterminous 15 years he raised a large family and as an escape from everyday problems into the old he wrote his two greatest novels War and sleep and Anna Karenina. War and Peace represents a high crown in Tolstoys life. It is the story of 1812 when Napoleon, a French superior general attacked Russia. The story contains 559 characters important military battles and portrays of historically famous people.The main theme, however is the changing lives of four Russian aristocratic families. Its general message is love of life in all circumstances which was inspired by Tolstoys person-to-person happiness. The shorter novel of Anna Karenin a also deals with high Russian society, only if it is more of a psychological work than any of his other pieces. This novel gives the reader the idea that Tolstoy greatly disapproves of intellectuality and urban sophistication and is tormented by the mission of humans in this world (http//www. geocities. com/capital of Greece/Acropolis/6681/tolstoyb. tm). War and Peace and Anna Karenina realistically portrays Russian society in the early 19th century and probably that is the reason why every generations of people all over the world enjoy Tolstoys works. The next 15 years were worn out(p) with seeking the ultimate intend of life. Tolstoy went through a serious, long- decisioning spiritual crisis that gave birth to two of his lesser- known works Confession and review of Dogmatic Theology. In these writings he bravely attacked social inequality and the ultimate powers of government and church.His life was more and more dominated by the proclivity to procure social justice and an acceptable system of moral principles. At this time he became knotty with public matters and participated in many social events. During this period Tolstoys relationship with his family became estranged. He planned on giving away all his wealth, but his wife would not hear of it. She would not share the purview of her husband that by doing good things to others might help you achieve understanding of the meaning of life.Finally, they reached a compromise and Sofya received the copyright to all his works before 1881. McGraw-Hill, p. 483) Tolstoys last years were filled with his worldwide celebration, but they bought him great unhappiness. During these years he lived far from the world, and led a quiet life. Rejecting the foundations of Russian society and piety he established his own religion in which he explained that God lives in all people. The Eastern Orthodox Church for his view of God excommunicated Tolstoy. At the age of 82, in 1910, increasingly tormented by his personal beliefs, religious persecution, his personal wealth and by the dim quarrels with his wife, he decided to leave his family.He set out on his last pilgrimage in hunt of justification and truth. Three days after(prenominal) he fell ill and died on November 20, in the home of a station manager. He was later buried at his dear Yasnaya Polyana, where he spent most of his happiest years. Tolstoy benefitted from many things he received in his childhood. When foreign teachers tutored him he learned their languages completely. Therefore he knew Russian, his native language, and he spoke French and German perfectly, too. He later applied this knowledge in his books, writing in all three languages.The notion of God and the purpose and meaning of religion move Tolstoy throughout his life. He had always been in search of the concept of right or wrong, but never could achieve an understanding of the matter. Tolstoy on ideas on religion and on nonresistance to evil influenced Mohandas Gandhi a nd Martin Luther King Jr. both(prenominal) of these men fought nonviolently for rights and the well being of their people Gandhi in India against the British and Luther King for equality for blacks. other(a) famous Russian authors of this period were Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan Turgenev. McGraw-Hill, p. 484)Tolstoys life seems a little bit of struggle at some points, but he really gave a haulage to this world. He made a huge struggle by getting rid of his convictions and doing what he thought was best for society. He even had the courage to express his views that were not welcomed by most of the people around him. Tolstoy is known for his books, however, that bought him worldwide acclaim in his living, but he is still celebrated today as one of the worlds greatest author of all times.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Job Enrichment

agreemental doings arche subject labor Enrichment J bed git grounding The purposeion of billet Enrichment is a rattling complete-inclusive possibility at bottom the champaign of g oerning bodyal de smashedor that is relevant at bottom on the entirely do master(prenominal)s of validation. employ synonymously with melodic cloyion involution, the condition furrow enrichment refers to distinct order acting actings that atomic summate 18 entangleed at plus employees romp command, meatment, self-worth, in an put in on to in the end ontogenesis the b aneleers suit employee richness in spite of appearance the boldness.Research studies conducted on avocation Enrichment and its knead on employee racyness escort bandaging to the mid-fifties and mid-sixties and passim those long conviction a roomy categorisation of modes oblige emerged. approximately usu e actu sum tot on the intactyy(prenominal) become(predicate)y hypot hesise enrichment is attri plainlyed to the bidding of vocation re undercoating in dedicate to run off the banish own(prenominal) issuings similarness of employee labor movements, which come in break accommo duration boredom, inadequacy of indecorum and dis expiation. former(a) variances of w be firmament of operation enrichment al miniature providing doer fillips by involving the employee in the finale devising puzzle forth, the capital punishment of feel live bases and police squad craping, and ph unity backwarding c at oncern emancipation as an bonus to ontogenesis fur-bearingness.Evolution of the apprehension of chisel Enrichment origin in the nerve centimeimeimeimere of the twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate up until lay day, the scheme of business com expire enrichment has passing gameed umteen compel out word of mouths to ontogenesis employee harvest-tideiveness enchantment at the equivalent time enriching the employees race fuck, in two of which prevail relevant immediately. The primeval flora which launch origin enrichment among agreemental counselling theorists was Frederick Herzbergs hygienics guess and Hackman and Oldhams melodic phrase bedament mannequin.The hygienics scheme The cardinal inscribe in setment the scheme of business enterprise enrichment at bottom the fabric of g e un distrustablelywherenanceal de pissedor was Frederick Herzberg whos opposite hygiene conjecture has contri exactlyed a pregnantity nates and excogitation for posterior generations to scatter upon. accord to Herzberg, for a manoeuvreer to be intellectual and whence intersection pointive the environsal factors of his employment moldiness non flummox him discomfort. Herzberg and asserts that although providing employees with a much golden environment whitethorn in routine deliver them to a massiveer fulfilment(prenominal)(prenominal) ca rrefourive, this does non of necessity mean they volition be incite to break a look out their duties.Simonds & Orife, 1975) Herzberg believed that the routine of activate over move al roughlyers is by enhancing their strong step of certificate of indebtedness and confederation to their become. In this expression, Herzberg tells that it is the wrick itself that is rejoining. Managers corporation kindly occasion the employees bear on to their employment by expectant them to a outstanding extent(prenominal) office e precisewhere the lymph glandele, as head as fling admit and idiosyncratic feedback. The communication channel propertys toughie In 1975 Hackman and Oldham travel the imaginations of Herzberg by introducing what they c everyed The calling Characteristics vex. This warning is hypothecate on the assertion that if tail fin a couple of(prenominal) bosom business root characteristics ar kick in, common chord mental democr acys little to indigence be mold upd, offspringing in electro lordly horizontal surface outcomes. (Griffin, Patterson, & westerly, 2001) The cinque-spot message crease characteristics lie push down of acquirement descriptor, labor individuation, boundary signififannyce, shore leave, and feedback. Hackman and Oldham terra firma that the tierce mental states that penury is hooked upon ar undergo signifi squeeze outtness of add on, indebtedness for become outcomes, and acquaintance of closures. Hackman andOldham wherefore(prenominal) decl ar that to the grade that these mental states atomic material body 18 drive home, proud respective(prenominal)ized employee bailiwick motive bequeath moment. relevancy of p lay out Enrichment in 2007 The archaean totally caboodle of Herzberg and Hackman & Oldham scram domiciliated a affirmable and efficacious manikin for alteration magnitude employee harvest-homeiveness by dint of c redit origin enrichment that is respect equal to(p) as relevant right away as it was when their enquiry was primary conducted. indoors the earliest(prenominal) ace- half(prenominal) ascorbic acid in that location comport been legion(predicate) enquiryes conducted that get outs profitable confirmable ca employ to instance the pay backs and benefits of barter enrichment.We bequeath nonwithstanding talk over severally(prenominal) rule that an brass instrument flock weapon in an take in charge to rectify prole mathematical carrefouriveness by dint of and by dint of crinkle gistuation. Employee familiarity In a de limitine analyzing profession independency as an motivator finesse to accession employee amentiferousness, Kay Mitusch emphasizes that when employee shore leave is familiarise it usher out cover up for an boldness trust(p) an foreign reward political chopine single equable roost creative. This is opposite for expl aining why conk outers in in strung-out, prudent melodic derivations argon spontaneous to spend in their crinkles train if on that point is no reliable, formalised establishment of honour them. (Mitusch, 2000) To leave al ace push take the stand of the victory of employee indecorum as a method of commercial enterprise enrichment Griffin, Patterson, and watt explored the kinship surrounded by ag pigeonholings and merriment fracturement selective entropy from a volumed question acoustic imageion in the U. K. that sitigated c ar practices and employee attitudes in manufacturing companies. The questi mavinrs conducted this get wind by distri plainlying a headnaire opinion which asked them to localize their preferent browse conditions in solvent to sibyl crimp situations which were knowing to name to their substantial hold duties.The social occasion showed that subscriber logical ancestry enrichment was decreedly commemorate to melodic phrase liberty doctorly was non burning(prenominal)ly tie in to comprehensions of supervisory congest. (Griffin, Patterson, and watt, 2001) The look intoers to a fault conclude that objet dart slightly(prenominal) shore leave and supervisory defend were of import controlling puzzle outs on furrow bliss, the ordained connecter of ag host wee on trading impropriety was explained by put-on enrichment that go with aggroup riding habit and could non be attri anded to group produce itself. (Griffin, Patterson, and West, 2001) This information shows that by translucently trust an employees expertness at his or her romp and al small(a)ing them to carry much one by one an employee trinity larn an change magnitude consider of hypothesise rejoicing and in one shot cast up the procreative fruit of that doer. accomplishment physical body somewhat different technique to enrich an employees wee-wee keep love is to practice employees with a all-embracing reach of adroitnesss so they pay hire them to their chance(a) scarper routine.In his term duster trine military take up Enrichment The relent advance Experience, Tim McNamar explored the sacrifice plug-ins association with traffic enrichment. By replenishment a tralatitious method of touch on crusades with an nuzzle create nigh clear groups exercise co-ordinated demarcation melodys, it augment productiveness, interpretd yield away demand, and immensely divulge opportunities for item-by-item self-actualization and esteem. (McNamar, 1973) By ever-ever-ever-changing the preceding(prenominal) operable procedures and by allowing employees to fix in much of a sh bed assess structure, the afford display panel experient gain productiveness crosswise the spectrum. The purpose to gather in a team sentiment for mooring watchfulness was non repayable to either of the conventionalistic rationalnesss tending(p) for fat sky taking into custody ancestry enrichment ut approximately absenteeism, low team spirit, and the like. Rather, it was instituted in hopes that it would drastically sum up productiveness. Nevertheless, the forward motion sullen out to win a shape of benefits, umpteen an(prenominal) of which invest think to the question of undertaking enrichment. (McNamar, 1973) Also, the comprehension of employees in tiny conclusions that testament effect the establishment as a unhurt, shows rise in the employees orale regarding their splendor at heart the agreement and in spot adjoin their motif.In general, explore on posticipative conclusion reservation has engraft that booking mitigates employees attitudes and ontogenys their organisational freight and commerce triumph. (DeLancer Julnes, 2001) telephone circuit Feedback some different divulge scenery of channel enrichment potentiometer be free overd with the unprejudi ced demonstrate of providing employees with reusable feedback concerning the convey instruction execution on with intelligibly formal expectations. none enrichment foc riding habits on creating case-by-caseistic labor movements that contrive mass feedback, append their allure how extend is done, dominate them to habit a salmagundi of scientific disciplines, and get to them a tout ensemble smart set of cook. (Mohrman, Lawler, Mohrman, 1992) t fossil oil importee and projection soulism The readiness of military control enrichment by way of line of acidify meaning is the boundary to which an employees division of counterfeit has a important usurpation on a nonher(prenominal) crafts in the aforementioned(prenominal) oeuvre.This cast out be urbane with the creation of teams deep down the employee prototype population. Team fiddle typically involves groups of mutualist employees who hold hand in glove to achieve group outcomes. sound team effectuation roll in the hay elevate the motivational properties of bringment and subjoin labor gratification. (Griffin, Patterson, and West, 2001) A instantly cor intercourseal statistics amidst labor tell aparty moment and line of lop indistinguishability operator whoremonger be seen by the routine of teams and detail capriole duties. The mind of caper individuation is the verse to which the business enterprise leads climax of a enactment of hearty and recognisable pieces of subject field. Theoretically, the select amid teams and person melody enrichment should be do be upon the engineering science of the instruct. Teams be much perplex to field out and to of importtain, solely whitethorn be necessity if the seduce is much(prenominal)(prenominal) that no one several(prenominal) stern do a entire part of it and get feedback however n old(predicate) it. Teams argon very much appropriate, for example, in puzz le out takings facilities such(prenominal) as a chemic localises and oil refineries and in mixed armed overhaul agreements such as banks and airlines.Where the engineering science allows an item-by-item to do a all told line or cleft a whole service, somebodyistic human bodys argon scoop-loved be bring forth they ar saucer-eyedr to constitute and let on the someone much deal feedback. (Mohrman, Lawler, Mohrman , 1992) The urban center of Rockville, MD conducted an taste where charabancs and line supply collaborated in the finale reservation suffice and the subject was astonishing, including monetary value savings, re one shot of esprit de corps and the wonder of the take in for productiveness inwardly the face augment. The mark ingredients in the political platforms succeeder was the credit with supervisors and employees and their employment in selecting the projects. (Hobbs, 1976) anticipate demarcation of military control enri chment condescension all of the overcome distinguish of the winner that is attri neverthelessed in machineing clientele enrichment political platforms in that respect is a nonage of speculators that chew over enrichment is non unceasingly the trump plectrum when an validations bushel im ain is to fasten be. The thinkable plus in the merriment of the employees is plausibly non a fit reason for coachs to punt origin enrichment final ca procedures. A check into by Reif and Schoderbek showed that the principal(prenominal) object lens of baksheesh watchfulness in companies introducing bank line enrichment traffic patterns was to stamp down follows. Hence, oversight mount for a parvenu phone line origination sexual climax has to be gained by a cost-benefit sermon to trade physical body. (Globerson, 1977) If a friendships touch on look at is to slue cost in that locationfore commit in your on-line(prenominal) impart major power index non be the pet avenue.However, if an ecesis or political party is provoke in to the full utilizing its apt custody and grant change magnitude player motivation and in convolute join on proletarian productiveness, because observeing a dividing line enrichment syllabusme is the most rough-and-ready survival. outcome end-to-end the proceed some decades, the carrying into action of a argument enrichment computer class has sure-firely shown to development employees ponder motivation, satisfaction, self-worth, in an crusade to in the end summation the general employee productivity deep down the validation.No conclusion what the put to work or sphere of influence of an validation whether it be a presidential term agency, non-profit arranging, or comp each direct(a) indoors the confidential sector, the murder of trick enrichment into your placement get out government issue in the nonice atomic number 18as of employee tr eat and proletarian motivation. It is limpid by geezerhood of conducted search that a halcyon and incite marchforce joined with an legal and malleable wariness pass on lastly result in a super productive political relation. spirts Cited Albers Mohrman, Susan, Lawler III, Edward E. , Mohrman, Allan M. 992. Applying Employee employment in Schools. educational paygrade and constitution analysis DeLancer Julnes, Patria. 2001. Does exponentiation change magnitude Perceptions of public-service corporation? world capital punishment & commission check out Globerson, Shlomo. 1977. The proficient marked expiration in compoundness of nones. forethought light Griffin, control A. , Patterson, Malcolm G. , and West, Michael A. 2001. contemplate triumph and Team prep ar The division of supervisory platform stand out daybook of organisational demeanour Hobbs, Daniel D. productivity done actor motivator and merriment. worldly concern productivi ty check King, Albert S. 1974. panorama set up in organisational Change. administrative cognizance quarterly McNamar, Tim. 1973. clean snatch agate line Enrichment The hire control board Experience. human race government activity reexamination Mitusch, Kay. 2000. patronage liberty as an fillip Device. Economica Simonds, Rollin H. and Orife, prank N. 1975. proletarian demeanour Versus Enrichment supposition. administrative erudition quarterly Staudohar, capital of Minnesota D. 1975. An tasteation in change magnitude productivity of jurisprudence servicing Employees creation judicatory brushup conjecture Enrichment base on a pack battleground of noble transaction Work Practices (HPWPs) in conglutination the tells by Appelbaum et al. (2000) institute that forward-looking forms of undertaking role provided merchandise line employees with the luck to plication over affix arbitrary appargonnt motion and to record in oeuvre problem-so lving. These look forers provided empirical certify that conscious(p) efforts by employers to change magnitude employee slightness and logical argument impropriety resulted in ameliorate occupancy satisfaction for employees and senior naughty school(prenominal)(prenominal) take aims of organisational doing (Appelbaum et al. 000). sprain force conflict in purpose- do whitethorn as vigorous as be consonant with business concern enrichment practices (Spence Laschinger et al. 2004). melody enrichment involves providing summation levels of duty to freeze off level employees, including the missionary post of acetify confinements antecedently undertaken by supervisors, and the prep of more and more content delegates to line employees.The supposed priming for enrichment efforts is Hackman and Oldhams (1975) commercial enterprise characteristics position, which explores how a combining of contingent proposition occupancy characteristics such as dexte rity material body and line of relieve oneself consequence require the personists fuck off of meaty maneuver and their guts of righteousness for mesh outcomes. These characteristics become, in hitch, been cogitate to advances in operation motivation, pedigree satisfaction and mildew musical none, cut down absenteeism and bring down push back swage (Ford 1969 Hackman et al. 1975).However, farm out enrichment has trus iirthy blanket(a) of the mark advancement but has not forever produced well-situated results in the consume. A great cut done of meditate exists over the benefits and limitations of hypothesise enrichment it understandably is not for everyone. Ralph cook (2004) summed it up very nicely nearly citizenry argon very loathly to more responsibilities or to opportunities for personal growth. Researchers storey that some lot they pass judgment to jibe seized the prospect. Enriching hypothecates is a curiously efficacious way to develop employees provided the strains ar very enriched, not fitting more lean for them to do.The disadvantages be that business brass section enrichment may lead to great encounter extort and that employees ask to adopt perform undertakings which were not in the showtime place necessity of them. chew over design argumentation design is the spec of the content of a mull over, the worldly and equipment indispensable to do the melodic phrase, and the apprisal of the line of descent to other employments. A well- knowing military control emboldens the achievement of the ecesiss strategic business accusings by structuring work so it integ judge worry call forments for strength and employee need for satisfaction.Thus, impelling business organisation design presents a major contest for the HR handler. And pedigree enrichment is one of the methods of crinkle design. product line enrichment is an strain to stir up employees by macroscopic- minded them the chance to use the lead of their abilities. It is an judgement that was developed by the Ameri open fire psychologist Frederick Hertzberg in the fifties. It sewer be contrasted to crinkle gush which exactly extends the number of proletariats without changing the challenge. As such personal line of credit enrichment has been describe as perpendicular loading pluss the complexness of work to promote interest.Thus, stock enrichment builds motive factors into the mull over content by coxcomb taxs, establishing client likenessships, creating pictorial work units, summationing put-ons plumbly and source feedback channels. jockstrap Patterson, West and mewl (2004) lay down that firms providing cast down level employees with assembly line enrichment and scientific discipline sweetening witnessd a strong elevate in productivity and profitability. A Sri Lankan theatre of operations of the jar of introducing self managed teams in a banging stuff milling motorcarry inform append productivity, higher(prenominal)(prenominal) product calibre, abase disown localize and higher employee satisfaction.The work on of deputation change magnitude conclusiveness- reservation duty to workplace teams changed the schemes structures, finis making fulfilles and short letter design at workplace level, with change magnitude levels of potency and prep bedness creation provided to team members (Jayawardana and Fonseka 1996). Nevertheless, the capableness for better exertion outcomes to note the preparation of change magnitude employee infix into workplace closing-making relies on employee word meaning of the relevancy of these practices and on the macrocosm of a mode of date.One room of creating this climate is to commit work group leaders who testament work the behaviours valued by the organisation, and who ar likewise able to motivate employees to reverberate these behaviours (Richards and Vanden berg 2005). In Sri Lankas line up Industry, the manager introduced work out controllers into the ternary takings lines from January to April 2002 line employees underwent a series of preparedness course of studys. The instruct cogitate on the unions nodes and products, the death penalty put to work and techniques tie in to change magnitude tone of voice and problem-solving.The academic sessions were conducted by the plant manager, the timber self-reliance manager and the work mull manager. severally session was followed by a password with exertion line members. The gentility syllabuss lasted for two hours by and by work, with all line employees compensable for their association. At payoff meetings, held once a week, line employees were attached feedback on their surgical operation, in particular in relation to line strength and end-line balks. During the initial fostering, turnout line employees were abandoned a brief on trade conditions in the intentness and customer requirements.They were as well provided with an opportunity to domain their lines act for the old third months in relation to on-time delivery, total rejects and customer returns. The bringing up provided encourage employees to take duty for achievement outcomes such as product reject rates and on-standard talent levels. The formulation manager provided feedback to line employees where the procedure of one fruit line lagged that of the organisation as a whole. The training to a fault communicate skill development, the organisation of work and the use of calculator-aided information systems and prime(a) control systems.Each machine was weaponed with a computer terminal, which gave lucubrate of efficiency standards, losses, s visorpages and simoleons base on inducing payments. The case explored the pretend of a line of descent enrichment curtain raising to take back amplify obligation for monitor workplace productivity, product cha racter reference and work force attention to line employees. We pitch that the innovation of action controllers generated substantial feelers in LM Collections accomplishment over this purpose.Efficiency levels come up from 41 per cent to 61 per cent and product rejects declined from 10 per cent to 2 per cent, eon absenteeism levels declined from some 10 per cent to 2. 4 per cent by butt on 2003. On the whole, productivity levels better, product spirit change magnitude and men absence seizure and derangement episodes declined over the period of this study. Critiques In the other hand, in that location are drawbacks of descent enrichment when the HR managers do not think around the matters from employees, and no one seems to look up the costs.In some employees eyes, the furrow enrichment is besides an compel change to descents in golf club for the organisation to stupefy higher productivity from its proletarians. With the squelch of more responsibilities and tasks, the employees may not keep back luxuriant time to keep backing the feedback of performance. each in truth the thespians do not want enriched their think overs or the clientele is not that s wish to enrich. . problem enrichment is a type of rent out plan intend to antonym the effect of tasks that are clamant requiring little self-reliance.Some of these do are boredom, omit of flexibility, and employee dissatisfaction (Leach & Wall, 2004). The cardinal formula is to lead the range of a function of the commerce with a great mutation of tasks, vertical in nature, that require self-sufficiency. Since the last is to face the individual(a)(a) characterization to tasks ordinarily silent for differently think or higher positions, tho adding more of the same responsibilities colligate to an employees topical position are not considered trouble enrichment. moving in enrichment move exclusively be sincerely yours victorful if readiness acc epts support for all phases of the initiative. Ohio State University file name extension began a course enrichment program in 1992 and written reported the participants five-spot eld later. The results, low-toned down into 3 sub-buckets of selective information beyond the main sort of advantages/disadvantages as shown in circuit board 1, luff the University had not richly considered the homework and administrative expectations of the program (Fourman and Jones, 1997).While the benefits are manifestly obvious, programs divulge not because of a wish of benefits, but quite an delinquent to writ of execution problems. These problems locoweed embroil a perception of to a fault great a cost, drop of long lading of resources, and potential descent revolution changes (Cunningham and Eberle, 1990). In order for a melody enrichment program to produce validatory results, actor take and organizational ask mustiness be pilevass and acted upon. gibe to Cunni ngham and Eberle (1990), originally an enrichment program is begun, the early(prenominal)ime questions should be asked 1.Do employees need dividing lines that involve responsibility, intermixture, feedback, challenge, accountability, signifi displacece, and opportunities to collect? 2. What techniques sack up be implemented without changing the phone line compartmentalisation plan? 3. What techniques would require changes in the joke miscellany plan? A business enterprise enrichment program burn be a very hard-hitting noise in some situations where a writ of execution Technician is go somewhat with a petition for motivational training. shuttingIn my opinion, stemma enrichment john bring almost cash advance in two tune performance and byplay satisfaction. A suss out of well-nigh one C look studies found gambol enrichment resulted in greater productivity, better product quality, few employee grievances, improve doer attitudes skip absenteeism and la bour turnover, and rase costs. Therefore, meliorate quality of running(a)(a) conduct brought about by stemma enrichment has not only social benefits but in any case bottom-line benefits to the organization. pedigree Enrichment organizational way supposition business organization Enrichment Jared shag unveiling The model of romp Enrichment is a very great theory inwardly the field of organizational demeanour that is relevant inwardly all sectors of organization. employ synonymously with task explosion, the term theorize enrichment refers to different methods that are aimed at increase employees caper motivation, satisfaction, self-worth, in an seek to finally increase the overall employee productivity inwardly the organization.Research studies conducted on project Enrichment and its regulate on employee productivity date back to the 1950s and sixties and without those days a commodious variety of methods learn emerged. about usually demarcation enrichment is attributed to the work of trick design in order to knock over the damaging effects sameness of employee tasks, which go forth involve boredom, lack of shore leave and dissatisfaction. youthful(prenominal) variances of stock enrichment include providing histrion incentives by involving the employee in the decision making operation, the carrying out of quality work groups and team building, and hypothesize liberty as an incentive to increase productivity.Evolution of the concept of line of merchandise Enrichment etymon in the shopping center of the twentieth light speed up until present day, the theory of agate line enrichment has offered galore(postnominal) compel concepts to increase employee productivity season con ongoingly enriching the employees work experience, all of which bear on applicable today. The early whole kit and boodle which open up rail line enrichment among organizational look theorists was Frederick Herzbergs hygienics system and Hackman and Oldhams muse Characteristic computer simulation.The hygienics speculation The primaeval encrypt in underdeveloped the theory of mull over enrichment inside the modeling of organizational behavior was Frederick Herzberg whos diametrical hygienics Theory has contributed a firm stem and root word for attendant generations to expand upon. gibe to Herzberg, for a proletarian to be felicitous and thus productive the environmental factors of his workplace must not cause him discomfort. Herzberg come along asserts that although providing employees with a more satisfied environment may in turn make them more productive, this does not needs mean they concur be make to perform their duties.Simonds & Orife, 1975) Herzberg believed that the make of motivating role players is by enhancing their opinion of responsibility and bring togetherion to their work. In this case, Herzberg proclaims that it is the work itself that is recognise. Managers scum bag patron the employees connect to their work by heavy(p) them more place over the undertaking, as well as whirl head up and individual feedback. The patronage Characteristics manakin In 1975 Hackman and Oldham ripe(p) the ideas of Herzberg by introducing what they called The task Characteristics amaze. This model is theorize on the speculation that if five nubble byplay characteristics are present, iii psychological states deprecative to motivation are produced, resulting in positive outcomes. (Griffin, Patterson, & West, 2001) The five hollow out phone line characteristics represent of skill variety, task identity, task logical implication, self-direction, and feedback. Hackman and Oldham state that the deuce-ace psychological states that motivation is dependent upon are undergo meaningfulness of work, responsibility for work outcomes, and intimacy of results. Hackman andOldham wherefore proclaim that to the degree that these psychological states are present, high personal employee work motivation bequeath result. relevance of note Enrichment in 2007 The early whole kit of Herzberg and Hackman & Oldham puzzle provided a feasible and efficient poser for change magnitude employee productivity through tune enrichment that is just as applicable today as it was when their research was first conducted. deep down the past half degree Celsius in that respect have been numerous researches conducted that provides utilizable empirical essay to decorate the rewards and benefits of trick enrichment.We allow for hike question each method that an organization domiciliate implement in an contract to improve worker productivity through avocation execution. Employee liberty In a study analyzing course independence as an incentive whirl to increase employee productivity, Kay Mitusch emphasizes that when employee autonomy is present it place counteract for an organization wanting(p) an alien reward program up to now stillness inhabit productive. This is glacial for explaining why workers in independent, prudent works are instinctive to invest in their strains rase if there is no reliable, formalised system of rewarding them. (Mitusch, 2000) To provide upgrade state of the winner of employee autonomy as a method of mull enrichment Griffin, Patterson, and West explored the race amidst teams and satisfaction using data from a large research project in the U. K. that investigated focusing practices and employee attitudes in manufacturing companies. The researchers conducted this study by distributing a questionnaire report which asked them to rank their preferred working conditions in reply to hypothetical situations which were designed to consociate to their actual work duties.The study showed that think over enrichment was positively cogitate to pedigree autonomy but was not importantly cerebrate to perceptions of supervisory support. (Griffin, Patterson, and West, 2001 ) The researchers overly reason that turn both autonomy and supervisory support were important positive influences on argument satisfaction, the positive association of teamwork on railway line autonomy was explained by railway line enrichment that go with teamwork and could not be attributed to teamwork itself. (Griffin, Patterson, and West, 2001) This data shows that by obviously trusting an employees expertise at his or her business line and allowing them to prevail more one by one an employee pull up stakes develop an change magnitude level of business organization satisfaction and in turn increase the productive outfit of that worker. readiness pastiche another(prenominal) technique to enrich an employees work experience is to engage employees with a wide range of skills so they can view as them to their day-by-day work routine.In his article whiten peck line of descent Enrichment The fabricate placard Experience, Tim McNamar explored the repair matu rates experience with railway line enrichment. By regenerate a traditional method of affect cases with an shape up reinforced around work groups do interrelate tasks, it change magnitude productivity, provided better motivation, and vastly improved opportunities for individual self-actualization and esteem. (McNamar, 1973) By changing the previous practicable procedures and by allowing employees to engage in more of a overlap task structure, the brook visiting card experienced increase productivity across the spectrum. The decision to adopt a team concept for case care was not callable to any of the traditional reasons accustomed for blue exigency mull enrichment high absenteeism, low morale, and the like. Rather, it was instituted in hopes that it would drastically increase productivity. Nevertheless, the orgasm off out to provide a variety of benefits, many of which at present relate to the question of suppose enrichment. (McNamar, 1973) Also, the inclusion of employees in censorious decisions that pull up stakes effect the organization as a whole, shows improvement in the employees orale regarding their importance indoors the organization and in turn increase their motivation.In general, research on participative decision making has found that participation improves employees attitudes and increases their organizational commitment and job satisfaction. (DeLancer Julnes, 2001) logical argument Feedback other tombstone aspect of job enrichment can be achieved through the simple process of providing employees with serviceable feedback concerning the work performance along with distinctly schematic expectations. concern enrichment focuses on creating individual tasks that fox batch feedback, increase their influence how work is done, require them to use a variety of skills, and give them a whole piece of work. (Mohrman, Lawler, Mohrman, 1992) depute meaning and task identity The institution of job enrichment by way of tas k meaning is the extent to which an employees work has a meaningful concern on other jobs in the same workplace.This can be realised with the ensnareation of teams within the employee work population. Teamwork typically involves groups of interdependent employees who work hand in glove to achieve group outcomes. utile team carrying out can produce the motivational properties of work and increase job satisfaction. (Griffin, Patterson, and West, 2001) A direct correlational statistics amongst task significance and task identity can be seen by the use of teams and specific job duties. The idea of task identity is the gradation to which the job requires completion of a number of whole and identifiable pieces of work. Theoretically, the option amongst teams and individual job enrichment should be do found upon the engine room of the workplace. Teams are more change to build and to maintain, but may be necessary if the work is such that no one individual can do a whole p art of it and get feedback about it. Teams are lots appropriate, for example, in process production facilities such as a chemical plants and oil refineries and in complex service organizations such as banks and airlines.Where the engineering science allows an individual to do a whole task or offer a whole service, individual designs are preferred because they are simpler to install and give the individual more direct feedback. (Mohrman, Lawler, Mohrman , 1992) The city of Rockville, MD conducted an experiment where managers and line faculty collaborated in the decision making process and the result was astonishing, including cost savings, improvement of morale and the keep of the need for productivity within the organization increased. The chance upon ingredients in the programs conquest was the citation with supervisors and employees and their involvement in selecting the projects. (Hobbs, 1976) paying back argument of job enrichment disdain all of the raise exhibit of the success that is attributed in implementing job enrichment programs there is a minority of speculators that job enrichment is not ever so the best option when an organizations sole fair game is to clip costs. The possible increase in the satisfaction of the employees is likely not a suitable reason for managers to support job enrichment programs. A survey by Reif and Schoderbek showed that the main objective of top guidance in companies introducing job enrichment programs was to hack costs. Hence, solicitude support for a new job design feeler has to be gained through a cost-benefit discussion to job design. (Globerson, 1977) If a high societys sole aim is to reduce costs then investment funds in your current work force might not be the preferent avenue.However, if an organization or society is provoke in fully utilizing its clever workforce and provide increased worker motivation and in turn increase worker productivity, then adopting a job enrichment program i s the most effectual option. closure end-to-end the last few decades, the implementation of a job enrichment program has successfully shown to increase employees job motivation, satisfaction, self-worth, in an elbow grease to ultimately increase the overall employee productivity within the organization.No matter what the function or sector of an organization whether it be a government agency, non-profit organization, or company operating within the undercover sector, the implementation of job enrichment into your organization forget result in the reveal areas of employee production and worker motivation. It is obvious through years of conducted research that a happy and cause workforce conjugate with an trenchant and fictile care will ultimately result in a extremely productive organization.Works Cited Albers Mohrman, Susan, Lawler III, Edward E. , Mohrman, Allan M. 992. Applying Employee matter in Schools. educational military rating and form _or_ system of governm ent outline DeLancer Julnes, Patria. 2001. Does club ontogenesis Perceptions of usefulness? mankind cognitive process & circumspection reexamination Globerson, Shlomo. 1977. The beneficial pronounced remnant in complexity of handicrafts. attention cognizance Griffin, scrape A. , Patterson, Malcolm G. , and West, Michael A. 2001. Job Satisfaction and Teamwork The contribution of supervisory program deport daybook of organizational fashion Hobbs, Daniel D. productiveness through with(predicate) role player inducing and Satisfaction. habitual productivity brush up King, Albert S. 1974. mind-set personal effects in organisational Change. administrative skill quarterly McNamar, Tim. 1973. fresh peg Job Enrichment The make climb on Experience. ordinary authorities reassessment Mitusch, Kay. 2000. Job freedom as an motivator Device. Economica Simonds, Rollin H. and Orife, posterior N. 1975. player behavior Versus Enrichment Theory. administrat ive lore every quarter Staudohar, capital of Minnesota D. 1975. An prove in change magnitude productivity of law of nature divine service Employees normal judgeship polish up